Friday, June 10, 2005

Where's your Bible?

I was at church on Sunday, when my pastor said to the congregation, "if you have your Bibles please take them out and follow along the scriptures with me." Looking around I noticed that almost everyone was stirring in their seats, but not all of them for the same reason. You see about half of the folks were trying to quickly reach under their seats to grab for their Bibles, while the other half were stirring in their seats, uncomfortable, because they didn't have the "good book" with them at all.

And then I got to thinking...

How can we (Christians) so nonchalantly walk through life without using the instructions God has given us? Is it laziness, pride, immaturity? Is it that we have developed some unprecedented connection with the Holy Spirit, and no longer need to bother ourselves with the physical copy of God's word? How are we preparing ourselves for the battle if we are not equipping ourselves with the weapons of warfare? How many times does the Bible instruct us to get into the "word" and make it the core of our being?

Far too many Christians are content with the "fire insurance" they have received, and are not concerned with developing a true understanding of who God is, and who they can become in Christ. They simply go to church, because it is the right thing to do, but God is not a reality in their lives. Sure they believe in Him, and have faith that someday when Christ returns they will be called "home." But the "passion" is not there, and neither is desire to live a life according to God's will. Am I saying that we need to bring a Bible with us everywhere we go in order to have passion? No, but the point I am trying to make is simple. The world around us is become more "secular" every day. We need to ensure that we are not being pulled away from "truth" along with them. If we are not daily meditating on the word of God, then pretty soon our beliefs will slowly start to fuse with the beliefs of the "unsaved" world around us, until one day we find ourselves in agreement with the world. And that my friend is a scary thing.

So again I'll ask you, where is your Bible?


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